Amateur Radio
My interest in Amateur Radio began whilst at school when a group of pupils found (or were introduced to) radio. This led to studying for and taking the City and Guilds Radio Amateurs examination which was passed in 1973. I decided to try for a full (Class A) license and studied Morse code but never managed to pass the test (12 Words Per Minute). Eventually I gave up and took out a Class B license in December 1977 and was allocated the callsign G8OMB. This was converted to a full license when the morse code requirement was removed in 2005.
I have not been very active as an amateur over the years but the interest is now rising again.
I operate mainly from home using a Yaesu FT840 feeding a half size G5RV in inverted V with the apex at about 25 feet. I also run either a Yaesu VX7R or a Yaesu FT817ND into a Diamond V2000 tri band colinear at 30 feet or a 9 element beam at 28 feet. Recently I have started getting interested in the Summits on the Air (SOTA) programme and I am gradually building up a collection of aerials and equipment to operate from the hills. I now have a 3 element 2m beam, a 20/40m HF Dipole and a 6m fishing pole to support it all. Just need to sort the batteries out and then I can look at getting out there and operating.
I have also started getting involved with the newly formed Nuneaton and District Amateur Radio Club and became treasurer in 2015. Through this club I have become interested in contest operationg and take part in some of the UK activity contests on 6m, 2m and 70cm when I can. The club has it's own website here where more information can be found