A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  OTHER 

W   Surnames

Walker, John    

Walton, Chrissie  ( ABT 1948 - )  
Walton, Fred  ( UNKNOWN - 02 APR 1995)  
Walton, Ian    
Walton, Jane  ( ABT 1867 - )  
Walton, Kathleen  ( ABT 1947 - )  
Walton, Ralph  ( ABT 1950 - )  
Walton, Timmy  ( ABT 1957 - )  

Wanfer, ???    

Wetton, George  ( ABT 1862 - )  
Wetton, George  ( ABT 1811 - )  
Wetton, Hannah  ( ABT 1855 - ABT 1916)   
Wetton, James  ( ABT 1850 - )  
Wetton, Mary  ( ABT 1846 - )  
Wetton, William  ( ABT 1843 - )  

Wheatcroft, Ann  ( ABT 1816 - )  
Wheatcroft, Ann  ( ABT 1840 - )  
Wheatcroft, Ann Nora  ( ABT 1891 - )  
Wheatcroft, Annie Elizabeth  ( ABT 1883 - ABT 1969)  
Wheatcroft, Brian  ( ABT 29 SEP 1956 - )  
Wheatcroft, Carla Gail  ( 10 SEP 1975 - )  
Wheatcroft, Dienah  ( ABT 1812 - )  
Wheatcroft, Elizabeth  ( ABT 1889 - )  
Wheatcroft, Elizabeth  ( ABT 1849 - )  
Wheatcroft, Emma  ( 1980 - )  
Wheatcroft, Florence  ( ABT 1887 - )  
Wheatcroft, Frederick  ( 17 MAY 1925 - )  
Wheatcroft, Frederick Charles  ( 14 JAN 1896 - ABT JUL 1992)  
Wheatcroft, Hannah  ( ABT 1780 - )  
Wheatcroft, Hannah  ( ABT 1846 - )  
Wheatcroft, Jack Paul  ( 1999 - )  
Wheatcroft, James  ( ABT 05 APR 1810 - 13 MAR 1811)  
Wheatcroft, Joseph  ( ABT 1807 - ABT 1808)  
Wheatcroft, Joseph  ( 1984 - )  
Wheatcroft, Joseph  ( ABT 1778 - )  
Wheatcroft, Julie  ( 06 NOV 1952 - )  
Wheatcroft, Keith  ( 05 NOV 1955 - )  
Wheatcroft, Laura  ( 1982 - )  
Wheatcroft, Lynne  ( 18 SEP 1948 - )  
Wheatcroft, Mary  ( ABT 1785 - )  
Wheatcroft, Mary  ( ABT 1838 - )  
Wheatcroft, Mary  ( ABT 1837 - )  
Wheatcroft, Melanie  ( 1988 - )  
Wheatcroft, Paul  ( ABT 06 DEC 1948 - )  
Wheatcroft, Richard  ( ABT 1776 - )  
Wheatcroft, Richard  ( ABT 09 NOV 1806 - )  
Wheatcroft, Roy  ( 11 MAR 1952 - )  
Wheatcroft, Sarah  ( 07 NOV 1978 - )  
Wheatcroft, Susannah  ( ABT 1804 - )  
Wheatcroft, Thomas  ( ABT 1773 - )  
Wheatcroft, Thomas  ( ABT 1741 - )  
Wheatcroft, Thomas  ( 1987 - )  
Wheatcroft, Thomas  ( ABT 09 JAN 1803 - BET APR 1861 AND SEP 1881)  
Wheatcroft, Thomas  ( ABT 1885 - )  
Wheatcroft, Thomas Charles  ( 29 FEB 1920 - 17 NOV 1979)  
Wheatcroft, Thomas Richard  ( 01 JAN 1852 - AFT 1896)  
Wheatcroft, William  ( 22 NOV 1921 - ABT 1926)  
Wheatcroft, William Joseph  ( ABT 1856 - )  

White, Stuart    
White, Vincent Ray  ( 02 APR 2012 - )  

Whittemore, John    

Whitten, Debra Tracey    
Whitten, Dianne Shelley  ( 02 OCT 1956 - )  
Whitten, Donald Edward  (  - 29 APR 2008)  

Winters, Tom    

Wolfe, Benjamin  ( ABT 1815 - )  
Wolfe, Bertram  ( ABT 1898 - )  
Wolfe, Emily  ( ABT 1900 - )  
Wolfe, Emily  ( ABT 1865 - )  
Wolfe, Hariet  ( ABT 1867 - )  
Wolfe, Joseph  ( ABT 1868 - )  
Wolfe, Joseph  ( ABT 1904 - )  
Wolfe, Joseph  ( ABT 1832 - )  
Wolfe, Lillian  ( ABT 1878 - )  
Wolfe, Sarah  ( ABT 1863 - )  

Woodhouse, Lillian    

Woods, Yvonne Gail    

Woodward, Helen  ( ABT 1651 - )  
Woodward, Lorna  ( 13 SEP 1920 - )  

Worland, Jane    

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